Thursday, July 3, 2008

Denkai's guide to VF5.

I've decided to finally jump on the bandwagon in create a blog of my own. However, unlike konjou's blog I will not limted my post to just Virtua fighter much like VF noobs online this blog will be pretty random. Speaking of newbies (who a certain someone loves to redirect towards me) I've been bombarded with the same flock of questions which usually reads "Can you tell me what I'm I doing wrong?" and "What should I be doing when I block etc etc?". Honestly its really difficult for me to answer those questions especially over Xbl where I have to type on that wretched keyboard interface with my 360 pad. A second reason why I don't comply with these questions is because I don't believe their is a right or wrong way of playing the game and their is never one solution to get out of a given situation which is why I always give my "oh, I just had a better yomi game" answer. It's my lazy answer its basically something I say just to get the noobs off my back when I'm faced with those in-depth questions when truth be told my fixed answer isn't alway true. Only players with equal ( or close to) knowledge and skill play a game heavily focused on yomi I know this because I beat noobs doing the same thing over and over and I don't have to outguess nor think.

The same people (that I will now call in denial VFers or IDVFers) that ask me for advice are the same people that I'm nearly positive don't know a bit of frame data. IDVFer's believe that memorizing frame data even just a small hint of it is something that only the hardcore elite nerdy VFer's do noticeably the ones that create their own blogs. Interestingly enough however, those same players usually rack up much more games then I play on live by the thousands. Maybe I speak for myself here but when a person spends a substantial time doing something wouldn't he or she aim to become better at it? who knows. Even though I may come off a bit egotistical let me assure you I am not that good at VF5, quite honestly I think I suck at the game. After playing greats like nuki, Yosuke, Itazan and to a lesser extent perhaps even Masared I realize that I have much to learn.

Well there you have it, my introduction to the Blog world. I will be discussing Character matchups and what it takes to use multiple characters at a decent level without taking up too much of your time and things I wouldn't dare post on VFDC like my inner thoughts of the tier list and all that other good stuff.


SDS Underfiend said...
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SDS Underfiend said...

Your Not that Good in VF5? Who the Fuck you think YOUR Fooling?

You have the Best Jacky Online i Ever Faced. You opened My eyes to the Nuances of VF5 the First time i ever play Ranked against you 3 times in a Row. Its because of you i Continued playing VF5 because i was going to just say seems to user friendly.
I don't care what anybody say about Japanese players they can be beat. Yes you can never stop learning enough but in case you need a reminder yes you got what it takes. If that the case then im weak at VF5.

Konjou said...

Nice bro! I'm subscribing! Switchnation for the WIN!

Seven Five said...


Gernburgs said...

Good idea man. I'm interested to hear some of your opinions on VF.
